How to find us?
Our Address:
52 High Street, Hanham, South Glocestershire, BS15 3DR
Public Transport:
From Bristol City Centre - First Bus 44 or 45 - Alight at Martins Road,
approximately 2 minute step free walk from the cafe.
From Keynsham - First Bus 17 - Alight at Abbots Avenue,
approximately 8 minutes walk from the cafe with multiple curb steps.
Where to park:
Our closest car park is Laburnum Road, Hanham, South Gloucestershire, BS15 3DU -
it grants 3 hours free parking, and is approximately 1 minute step free walk
from the cafe. It has two parent/child spaces and three disabled spaces.
Buggies & Pushchairs:
Our building is small, and to maximize play space we politely request that
buggies and pushchairs are left outside*. We have a undercover area named "The
Buggy Park" down the side alley of our building. Although it isn't gated or locked, it does back onto our counter area window so we are able to keep a little eye on it.
However, belongings are left at owners own risk, and we don't recommend leaving any
phones or handbags there.
*If your baby is sleeping and we have space, you are welcome to bring the buggy or
pushchair in!